Friday, January 25, 2013

Friday Faves

What I've been enjoying: Sunsets

I'm not sure why I noticed the sunsets every day this week. Maybe because the days are getting longer, so the sun isn't already gone when I'm driving home. Or maybe because they've been dazzling and different every day, demanding my attention. Probably the latter.

What I've been reading: "Abortion" by R. C. Sproul

So, so good (I'm still in the middle of it). I got this as a free e-book, but I can't remember where I saw it advertised, and I doubt it'd still be available for free by now anyhow. (I found it! The kindle version is FREE on Amazon! Click on the side image to get yours.) Nevertheless, this is a great book that biblically and logically addresses the issue of abortion. It seems an appropriate time to read this after passing the 40 year mark of Roe v. Wade.

What I've been listening to: Once Upon a Romance

This is the best CD ever for relaxing, for piano enthusiasts, Disney lovers, or all of the above.  In other words, you. need. this. album. I heard one track playing inside a store last week and bought it on the spot! I've listened to it practically all day every day since then. It's lullaby-type piano arrangements of old Disney classics like "When You Wish Upon A Star", "Part of Your World", and "A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes".

What I've been wearing: A New Coat


I've been looking a while for a gray, winter coat, so it's exciting enough to actually find one you not just like, but love. BUT, when it's found for only six bucks, that's really something worth cheering for! Yay for clearance racks in Forever XXI!

What I've been doing: Sewing

Sewing aprons. Sewing paci clips. Sewing a quilt. Sewing valances (well, should be). Even sewing valentine cards. I'm really getting into this sewing thing. Now if I could just have a personal sewing machine oiler, I'd be set.

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